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for supporters of privacy and/or fans of analog post

Do you permit your postmen to read your letters and open your packets? If digital YES an analog NO - please begin to write more analog letters again!
It's normal to close the doors of our homes against the criminals. Please begin to lock also your digital home - the burglars are there - each day.
At least it is pleasant to pull some digital teeth of the paranoid surveillance mania from state/economic data thieves.

My pseudonym O.G. Mapho: Kindly my technical web-service has agreed, to act as official owner of this website to support my anonymity - also they forward my analog post. If you prefer to send me a message with analog post, please use the adress of my web-service-company below:

Staebler Advertising
c/o O.G. Mapho
Friedrichstrasse 63
D-77654 Offenburg

comments for digital and analog privacy

99% of the population has nothing criminal to hide and we give no man, no authority, no company a permission to spy on us - to bug the house, the car, the entire life of the citizen by the mobil, the computer, the web.
But they do and sooner or later the democracy change to a surveillance state , the police state change in a dictatorship.

With opportunism, greed or moral cowardice our elected representatives carry currently the funda-mental rights of the citizens to privacy and human dignity to the grave. And many of their actions for the „official protection of freedom and democracy“ are just hypocritical walks to the brothel for the benefit of a few carpetbaggers - not for the people.

something for the observers

Hello watchdog - couldn’t it be better when you make only with people, what they should do with you and your children? In the long term an eye for an eye - certainly - we all go blind. Do you really believe you get a better world with thieving, lying, rooking - you get only new spirals of violence - no matter behind what rules, commands, or beliefs you hide yourself.

however, with hope for comprehension

Adiós - Baai - Bi xatirê te - Bless - Ciao - Czesc - Dahh - Heippa - Jiá - khodahafez - mai alslama - Nägemist - Nashledanou - Orevwa - Pamit - Poka - Salam - Salü - Salut - Sat sri akaal - Sayounara - See you - tsteessutjun - Tschüss - vay - zài jiàn